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Hamd of Muhammad (Praising Himself by Himself)


Compiled from the Knowledge of Grandsheikh Sultan ul Awliya Abdullah Faiz Dagistani (ral) and Sultan ul Awliya Moulana Sheikh Nazim, (may Allah be well pleased with them) on the Secret of the Night Journey where the Prophet Muhammad (sal) ascended to the Lord’s Divine Presence, his High station and Real Identity, his connection with all the other Prophets and the passing of His Light from the first Man -Adam (alai) to the current Saints of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order.


Bismillahi Rahman it Raheem. Through the heart of our Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Faiz Dagistani (ra) and through the heart of Moulana Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani, they are connecting us to the heart of Prophet Muhammad (saw). All the 124,000 prophets are connected to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is connected to Allah Almighty.

The Prophet was not connected to Allah Almighty by the Names or Attributes but by the very Essence of Allah Almighty. The Essence of Allah Almighty was given to him and dressed on him. Whatever was dressed by Allah Almighty to the Prophet (saw) by way of the Names and Attributes are in comparison to the Essence of Allah Almighty so very little.

This Essence of Allah Almighty was dressed to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) at the time of the Night Journey when he was in seclusion with Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) was dressed by Allah Almighty with the Lights of the Essence until there was no Muhammad left, and his body was replaced by a Godly Body or a Divine Body.

He was dressed by a body related to the Divine world of the Essence of Allah Almighty. The Divine Oceans of Unity, the Divine Oceans of the Oneness of Allah Almighty, all of them were as if it had vanished, and was not appearing, when Prophet Muhammad (saw) was in this seclusion with Allah Almighty.

All of them were dressed to Sayyidina Muhammad (saw). In between all the other Universes, Divine Worlds, Divine Universes, Heavens and Earth, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was dressed by the Unity of Allah Almighty, by His attributes and by the Names of Allah Almighty. But in that Maqam (Spiritual Station), in that station, in the seclusion with Allah Almighty, in the Night Journey, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was dressed by His Essence, which no one can imagine even or describe.

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the only one who is responsible for all that appears from the Divine Names and Attributes of Allah Almighty. All that was in the world was dressed in Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw). All that appeared and was created from the Attributes and the Names of Allah Almighty was also dressed on Rasoolullah (saw).

The 124,000 Prophets were also dressed on Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw). He was the Divine Tongue of Allah Almighty which taught all the Messengers and Prophets of Allah Almighty. He was the one in between everyone and Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the one who was giving revelation to Sayyidina Jibril (as) to send to every Prophet and Messenger of Allah Almighty, because even Sayyidina Jibril (as) has a border or a limit where he stopped.

Sayyidina Jibril (as) could not go beyond this limit. There is only one, and only he can go beyond this border and he was invited to the Divine Essence of Allah Almighty and that is Muhammad ur Rasoolullah (saw).


With what tongue or by which language did Allah Almighty address him in this Great Station. There is no language in this Station. Language is related to the earthly world, and to the Universes, which are invisible to us, of the Angels or the Jinns, or the other creations of Allah Almighty.

There are words and there are letters. Allah Almighty uses words, language and letters on what he has created. But in this Maqam, at this seclusion with Allah Almighty on the Night Journey, Allah Almighty did not use any such language, words or letters when addressing His most beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw).

This was something that was revealed to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was then introduced to the time before anything had yet even appeared, from the Knowledge of Allah Almighty. He was then dressed to be the Representative of Allah Almighty and to be the Perfect Man. He is the Perfect Man, who represents all of humanity, for all and to all.


Allah Almighty named this Light which represents the Divine and Godly World of Lights by calling it Muhammad. In this Maqam (Spiritual Station), he is not a human being and he is not even of Mankind, he is not what you can ever imagine.

He is the Divine Word and it is the Divine Worlds of the Light of Allah Almighty and the Divine World of the Mercy of Allah Almighty. He is also the Divine World of Hamd of Allah Almighty.

It is for this reason that he is called 'Muhammad', which means a deep and intense kind of 'Praise.' The word 'Hamd' in Arabic means 'Praise'. Allah Almighty is praising Himself by Himself. This Praising or Thanking Himself by Himself, is Muhammad, and was named Muhammad.

He is in totality the shadow of the Essence of Allah Almighty and he is the Perfect Man, the Perfect Example and the Perfect Imam in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty.


The 124,000 Prophets who inherited the secret of Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw), were also Perfect Men. Each of these (Past) Prophets during his period of time was also perfect. Then, amongst the Prophets, Allah Almighty created key positions. Who are all of them representing?

They are representing Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw), and they are the Shadow of Muhammad (saw). It must be noted that they are the Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah and not the Shadow of Allah Almighty.

This Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw) started with Sayyidina Nuh (as), then Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) and then Sayyidina Musa (as) then Sayyidina Easa (as) and then the physical body of Muhammad (saw) which thereafter appeared 1,400 years ago.

A beam of Light about the size that can pass through the eye of a needle was dressed by Allah Almighty to these Prophets to represent the Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw), which is up in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty connected His name with Muhammad His messenger in La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasoolullah (saw), in pre-eternity before anything yet even appeared or was created. From this, a beam of Light was dressed on Nuh (as). The people of Nuh (as) started to worship him. They were told not to do this. It was because of this beam of Light that they so revered him.


Then, after Nuh (as), this beam of Light was passed on to Ibrahim (as). Ibrahim (as) was the father of so many Prophets. He was one of the most important Prophets of Allah Almighty. It was because of this beam of Light that he became safe from the fire of Nimrod. This was due to the fact that he was carrying this beam of Light which was from the Light of Muhammad ur Rasoolullah (saw).

When the king of that country, Nimrod was trying to burn Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) in a huge fire, Allah Almighty sent fibril (as) to Ibrahim (as), in order to help him. Jibril (as) was the most preferred of all the angels of Allah Almighty. Jibril (as), then said to Ibrahim (as), "Please order me and tell me what I should do to save you. Even if you order me to cast Nimrod and all his people into this huge fire I am ready to do it." Ibrahim (as) said, "Oh! Jibril (as), the One who sent you knows in which condition I am.

I do not want anyone else's help. He knows. I am satisfied with what Allah Almighty is doing with me and I know that He is seeing me now." It was not in reality, Ibrahim (as) who was saying this, but it was the beam of Light that was in Ibrahim (as) that spoke in this way.

Then a big miracle came to pass and when Ibrahim (as) was thrown into this huge fire, the fire did not burn him. If Allah Almighty had ordered the fire to become cold, Sayyidina Ibrahim (as), would have died through that coldness. Allah Almighty ordered the fire to be safe and not cold, so Ibrahim (as) was saved.


Then this beam of Light passed from Ibrahim (as) to his son Ismail (as). Allah Almighty protected Sayyidina Ismail (as) from being slaughtered and sacrificed. If he was not saved from the sacrifice, how could the physical body of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) have appeared in the future, as Ismail (as) was one of the forefathers of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Allah Almighty wanted to make a sacrifice with a sacrifice from Allah Almighty Himself, so that it will, more purify, the Light, when Muhammad Rasoolullah (saw) physically appears into this world in the future.

The beam of Light that was in Ibrahim (as), was passed on to his son Ismail (as). This Light was then, not anymore in Ibrahim (as), because now it had passed into Ismail (as), his son. It was because Ibrahim (as), did not have this Light within him at that time, that he trembled, when Allah Almighty commanded him to cut the neck of his son.

Allah Almighty had to order him three times. On the first and the second occasions Ibrahim (as) was trembling and could not bring himself to carry out this order. It was on the third occasion, that he went up to his son and said, "Oh my son I have a command from Allah Almighty to have you sacrificed." This trembling and hesitation was because at this time the beam of Light was not in Ibrahim (as) anymore to fortify and support him.

It was then that Ismail (as) spoke, and said, "Oh my father! Do not hesitate, quickly cut off my neck because I am ready to sacrifice myself for the sake of Allah Almighty." In this instance too it was not Ismail (as who said this, but it was this beam of Light that was in Sayyidina Ismail (as) that spoke this way. Then Ibrahim (as), who was under the command of Allah Almighty, was trying to slaughter his son, and while he was attempting to sacrifice his son, his heart was burning, so much so, it is said, that smoke was coming out from his mouth. Even so, he was trying his best to cut the throat of his son, but miraculously, the knife refused to cut the throat of Sayyidina Ismail (as). Then Allah Almighty said, "Stop! I am accepting this sacrifice and I am going to change this sacrifice by a tremendous sacrifice." Then Allah Almighty sent through Jibril (as) a different sacrifice from Heaven for the sake of the life of Sayyidina Muhammad (saw).


Then, this beam of Light, later, passed on to Musa (as) who was the Khalil of Allah Almighty. One day Musa (as), said to Allah Almighty, "You, Almighty Allah, have preferred me above all other Prophets. You are so close to me and You have given me even the power to speak to You, as a friend would speak with his friend. Please make me also to be able to see You." Then Allah Almighty replied, "Don't say so Musa! No one is allowed to see Me, except My beloved Muhammad (saw)." "Look Musa and see what I am going to show you" Allah Almighty then opened up a vision in which 18,000 mountains of Sinai with a Musa (as) on top of each mountain, was also asking to see Allah Almighty. Then Allah Almighty said, "You are all on the waiting list and none of you shall be able to see Me until My beloved Muhammad (saw) sees Me".

Then Musa (as) asked Allah Almighty "Why are You preferring this Muhammad, more than me, Oh! Allah Almighty? I am Your Khalil and I am so close to you that I am even speaking to You, So why are You allowing Muhammad Rasoolullah only to see You and not allowing me to see You? I am so close to You, and am even Your friend". Musa (as) did not know that he was speaking through Muhammad ur Rasoolullah and he thought he was speaking directly to Allah Almighty. When Musa (as) asked Allah Almighty, "Why do You prefer Muhammad above me", Allah Almighty shouted, and said, "Behave yourself! If you say such a thing again, I will throw you away from Prophethood! You will not be a Prophet anymore.

You must know that Muhammad (saw) is of a totally different caliber. You, all the other Prophets, all the Angels and everyone else are always seeking for my satisfaction 'rila', while I am Allah Almighty and am doing my best to make my beloved Muhammad (saw) satisfied and happy. All of you are looking for ways to make Me happy, and to satisfy Me but I am Allah Almighty and I am trying My best to satisfy Muhammad (saw)."

Physically also a Light passed from Sayyidina Ismail (as) from son to grandson up to Abdullah, may Allah Almighty bless him, who was the father of the Prophet (saw) and from him it passed on to his son . After Musa (as), this beam of Light was dressed on Sayyidina Esa (Jesus) (as). After the ascension of Esa (as) this beam of Light was taken by Allah Almighty and kept with Him till the birth of Prophet Muhammad (saw), because no one in between, was powerful enough to carry it. Then, when the Prophet Muhammad (Sal), was born, this beam of Light from Allah Almighty was transferred into the physical body of the Prophet Muhammad (saw).


When Muhammad (saw), passed away or was veiled from Mankind, this beam of Light was not taken away by Allah Almighty. This beam of Light was passed into the heart of Abu Bakr as Siddique (ra) and then from Abu Bakr as Siddique (ra)

to Salman at Faris (ra), may Allah be well pleased with him and then from him

to Qassim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr as Siddiq (ra), may Allah be well pleased with him and then from him

to Imam Jafar as Sadiq (ra) may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Tayfur Abu Yazid al Bistami, may Allah sanctify his secret and from him

to Abul Hassan Ali at Kharqani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Abu Ali al Farmadi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Abu Yaqub Yusuf al Hamadani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Abul Abbas, al Khidr (as), upon whom be peace, and this was kept as an Amana or as a trust with al Khidr (as) because still Abdul Khaliq al Ghujdawani (ra) was not born and then from him

to Abdul Khaliq al Ghujdawani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, who is the Khalif of Allah Almighty for the Khatam ul Khawajagan till the Day of Judgment and from him

to Arif ar Righwari (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Khwaja Mahmoud al Anjir al Faghnawi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Ali ar Ramitani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Muhammad Baba as Samasi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sayyid Amir Kulal (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him to

Imam at Tariqah Muhammad Bahauddin Shah Naqshband al Uwaysi al Bukhari (ra), may Allah be pleased with him, and at this time when this beam of Light was dressed on Imam Shah Bahauddin Naqshband (ra), Allah Al-mighty added another Light to this beam of Light from the Reality of the Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), which is from the Maqam over the Maqam (Spiritual Station) of Sayyidina Jibril (as). Which is even above the Reality of the Throne (of Allah), because he is the Imam of the Divine World of Allah Almighty and the Divine World of Prophet Muhammad (saw) over the Throne and from him

to Ala'uddin al Bukhari al Attar (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Yaqub al Charkhi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Ubaydullah al Ahrar as Samarqandi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Muhammad az Zahid (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Darvish Muhammad al Bukhari (ra) may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Muhammad Hajegi Khwaja al Amkanaki as Samarqandi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Muhammad al Baqibillah as Samarqandi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him this Light was dressed

to Mujaddid Alfith Thani Imam Rabbani Ahmad al Faruqi as Sirhindi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and during this time when it was dressed to Sheikh Ahmad Faruq, another Light was added to this beam of Light and Sayyadina Ahmad Faruq al Sirhindi, became the renewer and the reviver of the Second Millennium of the Islamic Calendar and from him

to Urwat ul Wuthqa Muhammad al Masum ar Rabbani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Muhammad Sayfuddin al Faruqi al Mujaddidi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sayyid Nur Muhammad al Badawani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Shamsuddin Habib Allah, Mirza Jani Janan al Mazhar (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Ghulam Ali Abdullah ad Dahlawi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Ziyauddin Abu Naasan Mohamed Khalid al Baghdadi (ra) ash Shami, may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Ismail Muhammad an Narani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Khas Muhammad Shirvani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Muhammad Effendi al Yaraghi (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sayyid Jamaluddin al Ghumuqi al Husayni (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Abu Ahmad as Sughuri (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Abu Muhammad at Madani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sheikh Sharafuddin ad Daghestani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and from him

to Sultan al Awliya Sheikh Abdullah al Faiz ad Daghistani (ra), may Allah sanctify his secret, and during this time four other Lights were added to this beam of Light, which are the Lights, firstly, from the Light of the Prophecy of Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), secondly, from the Light of the Messenger of Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), thirdly from the Light of the Revelation of Sayidina Muhammad (saw) and fourthly from the Light of the Wilaya of Sayyidina Muhammad (saw).

Sultan al Awliya Sheikh Abdullah al Faiz ad Daghistani (ra) was shining with all of these Lights. Due to this Sayyidina Sharaffuddin Daghistani (ra) said of Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghistani (ra), that no one amongst the children of Adam (as) has still set his foot on such a High Maqam (Spiritual Station).


Grandsheikh Abdullah was the Teacher, the Lord and the Master because he is the Seal Of Saints. Mohammad ur Rasoolullah (saw) is the Divine Light world of Allah Almighty and the heart of that world was known as the Seal of Awliya and the Light of Wilaya of Sayyidina Muhammad (saw). The Reality which was dressed from Allah Almighty to him was quickly kept in the heart of this Divine light World and the heart there represented Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Daghistani (ra).

It is from this Light of Wilaya that Light came to every Prophet and Messenger. It is from Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Daghistani (ra) that it is coming to every Saint and Prophet from the time of Adam (as) to Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), and Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Daghistani (ra) was also the one who was kept to open up the Secret of the Holy Quran during the time of Mandi (as) and to teach it to Sayyidina Mandi (as), so that Sayyidina Mandi (as), will be able to open this up to Mankind.


Such was the status and rank of our Great Sultan ul Awliya Abdullah Faiz Daghistani (ra/qs). This was passed on to Sultan ul Awliya Moulana Sheikh Nazim Adil al Haqqani, may Allah be pleased with him. Just before Grandsheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghistani (ra) passed away he called me (Sheikh Adnan Kabbani) and asked me to bring some paper and a pen and to write down what he said.

He also said to bring four witnesses to witness this. He then said, "I am dressing my son Sheikh Nazim with all the Spiritual Ranks and Stations that Allah Almighty has dressed me up to now and am also dressing him with all the Spiritual Ranks and Stations that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) has dressed me with.

I am dressing Sheikh Nazim in all these Ranks, whatever that has been dressed on me. He is my Inheritor and he is the Perfect man who represents Muhammad ur Rasoolullah during this period of time. He will represent me and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as Siddique (ra) and all the Grandsheikhs and Sayyidina Ali and Sayyidina Omar and Sayyidina Osman and all the Sahaba and all the 124,000 Prophets.

I am giving this message so that it will be known to all Awliya and to all who are now listening to me in the Heavens and the Earth. (He was not only speaking to us only, but was addressing everyone).

I am dressing my son Moulana Sheikh Nazim by the order of the Prophet Muhammad (Saw) and by the Will of Allah Almighty with all the ranks that I have been dressed in and that he shall continue till the coming of Sayyidina Mandi (as). When Sayyidina Mandi (as) appears, I shall return with the Reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (Saw) and the realities of all the 124,000 Prophets and all the Awliya from the time of Adam (as) to Yawmal Kiyama (Day of Judgement)."

My Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Faiz Dagistani, then made it very clear that the Perfect Man during this time who is representing Muhammad ur Rasoolullah is Moulana Sheikh Nazim. Some people will say that it is because my (Sheikh Adnan's) sheikh is Moulana Sheikh Nazim, is the reason why I am speaking about Moulana Sheikh Nazim in this way. They are crazy! I am speaking from stations that they cannot reach, to be able even to listen, and they cannot get this type of knowledge from all their Sheiks or their Stations. If they can give such knowledge then we will accept what they are saying. Never can one reach or hear such kind of knowledge other than through the Station of Moulana Sheikh Nazim.

"In the aforesaid manner after the passing away of the Great Sultan ul Awliya Moulana Abdullah Faiz Dagistani (ra), this beam of Light passed into Moulana Sheikh Nazim and in addition to all these Lights that was passed on to Moulana Sheikh Nazim through Grandsheikh Abdullah, another specialty from the Divine Attribute and Name of Al Haqq was also granted to Moulana Sheikh Nazim by Allah Almighty.

With this grant of the Attribute of Al Haqq or the 'Truth', Moulana Sheikh Nazim was also entrusted with the task to complete the Haqq or the 'Truth' in the hearts of those to whom the Light of Muhammad ur Rasoolullah has still not reached.

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