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Moving On Eternally To The Highest Limits

Sheikh Nazim visited a mosque in Gintota, Galle, Sri Lanka where the saint referred to is buried. This speech was given by Sheikh Nazim within the mosque premises close to the Burial Chamber of this Saint.


Auzu billahi mina shaitan i rajeem. Bismillahi rahman ir raheem – La hawla wala quwatha illa billah il aliyil aleem – Bismilla Seyedi ya waliallah – I am asking permission from this Saint who is buried here to let me speak on tariqat. I am receiving what I am now saying from the Sahib of this Maqam. I am the guest of this saint and he is my host and we are today in his holy presence. What he is saying to me I am now passing on to you. Although it is not for me to speak by my self in the presence of such a host, he is requesting me to speak. He says that as he is my host and I am his guest that I must speak. In this way he is giving a spiritual connection to us.

Now I am going to explain to all of you and this explanation will not be in my words but his words. He wants me to speak about what is shariat and what are tariqats. Firstly we must know that all prophets are called us to Allah Almighty’s Divine Presence. They are teaching us and thus they are always our teachers. Allah Almighty ordered his beloved Prophet Muhammed (Sal) saying “Oh My beloved Prophet stand up and call people towards me.” Allah Almighty is inviting His servants to His Divine Presence. We are now asking “How are we to come to you, My Lord?”

When you are about to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca the first thing that your find out is as to where Mecca is, and then how to get there. Then you think about the things that you should take with you when you are going on such a long journey. You then prepare yourself with your passport and your food items and luggage. Then you take a car to Colombo and from there you board on to a plane, and then fly to Hijaz (Saudi Arabia). In the same manner, when you are on your journey to Almighty Allah you need the shariat, which is your food and luggage that you need to take along with you to the Divine Presence. Tariqat is the journeys passage (the way). All tariqats are ways that take people to the Divine Presence.

There are forty-one tariqats which are like a wide road (Autobahn) or highway as is to be found in Europe. Many modes of travel take place on this type of highway. For example, pedestrians, lorries, mini buses, cars and speed cars, all travel on this highway. All of them are heading in the same direction. In the same way all the tariqats are also reaching towards this same destination-their destination is the Divine Presence. If one does not get up he cannot walk. Even if one walks that is a way, a tariqat.

As I said before there are at present forty one tariqats. Out of these forty-one tariqats, forty of them are using the spiritual power of “La ilaha illallah” to move towards Allah. The Naqshabandi Tariqat uses the Zikr, “Allah”, “Allah”, “Allah”, as their main zikr to reach to this destination. If the other tariqats are using the speed of jet planes, the Naqshabandi Tariqat is going at the speed of a rocket. This is because when a servant says “La ilaha illallah” his nafs (ego) catches hold of him and he is not able to move forward with full power.This is because when he says “La ilaha illallah” (there is no God but Allah), his nafs prompts him to say La ilaha illa ana, (there is no God but me). Therefore their program slows down and like planes they can reach only to a limit. Rockets cut through gravity and get out. As mentioned earlier because the Naqshabandi Tariqat uses as their main Zikr “Allah” there is no more nafs with them and they destroy their ego and kill it.

Planes might come down, but rockets never. Perhaps they may move on from the atmosphere of this earth and move on eternally. This is the way of the Naqshabandi Tariqat. Planes move from one continent to another but rockets move from the earth to the highest skies and beyond. Those who are asking to reach only to the sky (sama) may use one of the forty tariqats, and as for those who are asking to reach to the highest limit (Sidurathul Muntaha) they must use the way of the Naqshabandi Tariqat.

This information which I give you is only a drop from an ocean. When you come to me with a thimble and ask me to put the ocean in it, how can I do that as the listeners cannot take in more than their capacity? It is always impossible. Yes, it is not possible to talk about these things for more than half an hour. But this is enough.

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