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The Bayyath - The Connection, The Pledge of Allegiance, The Initiation

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem

​The Bayyath is a conscious confirmation of the connection between the Master and his disciple.

The disciple allows his Sheik and Master to work with him, accepting to be his student and follower, for the sake of his spiritual progress toward his destination. The disciple puts his hand in the hand of the Master or on his stick or coat. Other people can also be connected by putting their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front of them. The Master says; “Audhu bi’llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Inna’lladhina yubai’unaka innama yubayi’una’llah, yadu llahi fauka aydiihim, faman nakatha fa innama yankuthu ‘ala nafsi, wa man aufa’bima’ahada’alayu’llah fasayutihi ajra’athnma. Allahu, Allahu, Allahu, Haqq, Allahu, Allahu, Allahu, Haqq, Allahu, Allahu, Allahu, Haqq… Hasbi Allahu wa niamal Wakil, la haula wa la quwatta ilia billahi’Alia’l’Azim Radna bi’llahi Rabban, wa bil Islami dinan, wa bi Muhammadin Rasulan, wa bi Abdullah Daghestani Sheikuna wa Ustadhuna wa Murshiduna Sheik Muhammed Nazim Adil Al Haqqani Ila sharafi-n-Nabi salla’llahu ‘alai wa’sallim wa alihi wa sahbihi I kiram wa ila arwahi jami’il Anbiya’i wa’l Mursalin, wa khudama-i-shara’i’ahim wa ila arwahi’i a’immati’l arba’a, wa ila Mashaikhina fi Tarikati Naqshbandiya’ti’l-Aliyya, khassatan ila ruhi’l Imami-Tariqa wa Ghwathi’i Khaliqa Shah Baha’ud-din Naqshband Muhammadim Ilwaysiyi’l Bukhari, wa ila ustadhina wa ustadhi ustadhina Khwaja Abdu’l khaliq al Ghudjawani, wa ila Sultani’l Awliya Sheik Abdu’llah al Fa’izi ad-Dahestani wa ila Maulana Sheik Nazim al Haqqani, wa ila arwahi sa’iri sadaatina wa-s-Siddiqiyun.. al Fathiha.

When the follower takes Bayyath, he has then begun his journey to the Divine Presence. Moulana Sheikh Nazim will then be with him always and will gradually guide that follower to the Divine Presence. According to the capacity and apptitude of the follower Moulana Sheikh Nazim will give him Spiritual Advancement, Spiritual Ranks and Spiritual Stations.

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